Saturday, January 1, 2011

Red pill or the blue pill??

    So many people have watched the matrix and one of the very exciting parts is the choice between the blue pill and the red pill. I would like to ask you to make a choice. Not about pills, about where you are going to go just like neo. I am very certain this is the real world , and thank god we don't have to run from machines. Are you going to take control? We are the masters of our own destiny. How do we maybe get out of the bucket of bolts car that doesn't take us where we want to go and get into the V8 cammaro or mustang , or whatever your choice is to take us to the place we want to be?
     Start with taking control of your thoughts. Please don't worry, you were in total control before, there are no machines telling you what to think.What do you think about everyday, you can go backwards and spill out what happened in your day and list them as a positive or a negative and the sevearity of the event. For those who did the reverse, by the law of attraction you have attracted those events by equivalent thoughts. Say for example you spilled your coffee on your way out to work. there was a thought at least in your subconsious that attracted spilling the coffee.
     Now I will tell you how to take the red pill and know kung fu, metaphorically speaking. There are simple things to do for simple problems. Say if you are in high school and you want to be noticeable to the opposite gender. Start visualizing yourself being desired by the opposite gender. There may be some other things you may have to do, but there are good free resources on the internet to go to. One of them is the Wing Girls. Jet and Star have probably one of the best places to go for free and have some of the best advice, go to For instance if you need to get out of debt, don't keep thinking about debt. There is no doubt you have to acknowledge it, but think about something positive to counteract the debt. whatever you focus on is what you will get. I will mention this corky but seriously powerful resource .
     There are many other ways to take the red pill. Anthony Robbins is a great person with many books that can change your life if you just apply the principles. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is amazing for getting where you want to go in wealth and generally in life.

This is the link to the red pill blue pill excerpt

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